Sunday, August 24, 2008

Empty nest as of August 12

It is true - the house is quiet. I have found the following to be true:

1. Groceries go farther

2. Laundry loads are smaller

3. There is a cute guy that lives here and we are getting to know each other again - hubby.

4. Dogs don't let themselves in and out.

5. I have more time to knit!

It is very quiet and I am coming to grips with that slowly. I have finished a couple of knitting projects. Here is the latest. I used Fiber Trends Leaf Lace Shawl pattern, Heritage Cascade Hand painted sock yarn and size 6 beads. If I use this pattern again I will use larger beads. I think they get a little lost.
I am trying to finish projects before I start any newones and there are several new ones that are anxious to find their way to needles.

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